Born more than twenty years ago in the United States, the slow flower movement, which promotes local and seasonal flowers, continues to gain ground in France.
But what is this commitment? How can you take part in order to consume more responsibly?
The alarming report of the production of flowers in the world
One of the main problems with flower production is the excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides. These chemicals have harmful effects on the environment, notably by causing contamination of soil and groundwater, as well as a loss of biodiversity. To date, most flowers are produced in the Netherlands, but also Kenya or Ecuador, and their transport has a significant environmental impact.
For example, a bouquet of 25 roses pollutes as much as a 20km car journey. These flowers often grow in greenhouses that are lit and heated 24 hours a day. In this regard, a Dutch rose that is lit and grown in a greenhouse emits six times more CO2 than a rose grown in Kenya, despite the latter being transported by plane. The fertilizers and insecticides used in the context of flower cultivation therefore have an impact on the environment but also on the health of workers in the sector.
Indeed, the labor employed in flower farms is often underpaid and subjected to difficult working conditions. Workers are exposed to chemicals and diseases related to handling plants.
But then how to produce flowers in a more responsible way?
It is therefore crucial to put in place sustainable solutions to address these challenges and ensure flower production that respects the environment, workers and long-term sustainability. And it is precisely for these reasons that the slow flower movement was born, and in which our company takes part on a daily basis: to produce flowers in a local and ecological way, in respectful working conditions for all.

Thus at Polhine, we have chosen to grow our own flowers without fertilizers or pesticides not far from our Ardennes workshop, and thus to be able to guarantee dried flowers of 80 to 90% French origin. We also only work with local producers in the Ardennes and Allier regions.
Our choice of natural drying methods also limits the energy impact of our flowers. This is why we are a member of the Collectif de la Fleur Française , the association that supports the cultivation of local and seasonal French flowers.
Dried flowers, a sustainable and 100% slow flower alternative

As you will have understood, dried flowers are therefore fully in line with the movement, provided that you ensure that your dried flowers have been produced locally, without fertilizers or pesticides, respecting the seasons and in a short circuit.
Moreover, if they are well preserved, your compositions of dried flowers can also last for years, thus becoming real decorative objects that are durable and committed to your interiors.
Would you like to try the experience of drying your own flowers yourself? We give you the method in our article How to dry your flowers naturally?